“SMALL MEDIEVAL HUB”, a compact medieval-themed map with a size of 100×100. This map features a natural environment, space for 4 chests and NPC area.
The “SMALL MEDIEVAL HUB” is a compact and visually stunning map designed for Minecraft server owners looking for a medieval theme. This map features a comfortable spawn area, opposite a small outdoor platform for you to place NPCs or any other information. The surrounding area is adorned with decorative elements from nature, creating a captivating atmosphere for players. Explore the NPC area and the chest area. Before purchasing, be sure to view the 3D model of this map to explore every nook and cranny and see how it would look in the game.
At NetherixStudios we care about our followers who do not yet have the budget to purchase a built from our online store, so we have created a discord where the entire discord community can join and enjoy some free maps made for everyone, and the best , WHITHOUT ADS!